Architecture & Design CHR


A multidisciplinary team (architects, engineers/economists and computer graphics designers) for the overall control of your project. Contemporary architecture, sustainable and respectful of its environment. A culture of dialogue with customers to best meet their expectations. Effective management of technical resources for good project economy.

You are the actor of your project.

The contractually expressed requirements, a consensual approach will make it possible to obtain the best compromise between the real need, the cost and the deadline. In this context, the communication aspect takes all its measure. The right information must circulate to all stages of the project. Work meetings, representations graphics (plans, infographics, explanatory notes, etc.) will be available both what will define the project itself, but also be supporting interaction between designers, partners and you.

A quality approach


We build for you. Your needs are the basis of your project. At your side we will establish a project that respects your desires and your budget.

Contemporary architecture that awakens the senses. Spaces to live in that correspond to the location. Lights, spaces and volumes at the service of a good life.

A multidisciplinary team at the service of your project. Architect, technical design offices (Fluids, Structure, electricity), interior designer and economist will ensure the viability and good economics of the project.

15 years of practice in project development. Durable and environmentally friendly materials. Expertise in HQE, passive and low energy consumption buildings.

Peace of mind from a clear, fixed-price project management contract. Including all services and speakers. Control of the budget for studies and works. Construction deadlines guaranteed contractually.

Sample Title 100%
The architect will design the project down to the smallest detail, assist you with the building permit application, select with you the companies responsible for the work and manage the site until completion.

Sample Title 61%
The architect will design the project down to the smallest detail, assist you with the building permit application and will be responsible for the technical design of your project.
You can then personally take charge of the phase of consulting companies and carrying out the work or call on a builder.

Sample Title 37%
The architect will design your project and assist you in compiling the building permit application file.


Making contact

Listening During your first meeting, the architect listens to your expectations and helps you formulate them. It transcribes your program in both its qualitative and quantitative aspects. He takes note of the budget you have. He learns the characteristics of your land and the urban rules that apply there. He presents the progress of the studies and advises you on administrative procedures. He will find out about the financial envelope that you plan to devote to your operation and can assist you in putting together your financial file. The architect informs you about the guarantees he offers you, the extent of his responsibilities and the limits of his services.

the feasibility

Expertise During your second meeting, the architect presents you with the results of the feasibility study he carried out. He measures with you the balance between your expectations, the possibilities offered by your land and the importance of the achievement that your financial envelope allows you. It offers you the best suited location and orientation solutions to highlight the characteristics of the site and best meet your expectations. He establishes a constructive dialogue with you for a more precise definition of your needs. It offers you to carry out, for a limited cost and with a simple order letter, a sketch mission based on all the data that these two meetings made it possible to formalize.


Creativity The architect creates a sketch of your project, without it committing you beyond this phase. This document defines the mode of implementation of your project in relation to its environment, the general organization of spaces, the articulation of the rooms between them. Sketches present the principles of volumetry and insertion into the site. This study allows you to validate your life choices and project yourself into your space of tomorrow. At this stage, the architect confirms the compatibility of the financial envelope with the realization of your expectations. At the end of the sketch, he suggests, to move on to the next step, the signing of a clear and transparent architect contract with commitment to costs and deadlines.


Professionalism   The finalization of the final preliminary project (APD) allows you to decide on the characteristics of your project. Established at a scale of 1/100 (1cm/meter), the documents include the plans of all levels, the elevations (facades) and the sections necessary for a good understanding of the project. At this stage, the dimensions of the openings are determined and the materials are confirmed. A notice describing the materials and technical equipment of the future construction allows you to measure the level of service planned. The architect adjusts the estimate of the work according to your choices. After finalizing the final preliminary design, the architect prepares for you all the documents necessary to obtain the building permit.

The project

Technical know-how   After obtaining the building permit and with your agreement, the architect ensures the technical design. This file includes graphic documents (plans, sections and elevations) generally at a scale of 1/50 (2 cm/meter), representing all the elements necessary for companies to understand the techniques to be implemented. artwork. The graphic pieces are accompanied by a description precisely defining the planned services, from the choice of structure to the type of taps. This document, which must be read carefully, allows you to know precisely all the products implemented and the expected performances. If the mission entrusted to the architect does not include the management of the works, this entire file will allow you to consult the companies of your choice or to call on a builder.

The call for tender

Transparency After validation of the project, the architect establishes the business consultation file (DCE) which includes all the technical documents necessary for companies to draw up reliable quotes. It also includes the administrative documents which will govern the contractual relations between the companies and you. They are the ones who define the “rules of the game” to be respected on the construction site. On the basis of this file, the architect organizes the consultation. He can advise you on companies whose reliability he knows and/or consult those of your choice. The architect analyzes the offers. Depending on the offers received, the services can be adapted to fit as closely as possible with the budget of the operation. When you have chosen your companies, the architect establishes the contracts you enter into with them. By dealing directly with companies, you have perfect knowledge of the price of their services and they contractually commit to a completion time.

The construction

Rigor Because it constitutes an important and sometimes worrying moment for future owners, the architect prepares the site methodically and rigorously. Its mission is to organize the intervention of the various trades and to ensure that they carefully respect the rules of the art and the implementation of the services to which they have committed. He knows how to explain the different phases of the construction site to you. He regularly intervenes with companies to verify the conformity of the execution of the works, he leads site meetings, the minutes of which he distributes to all participants. Every month, it checks the companies’ invoices in order to check whether the payment they are asking you for actually corresponds to the work carried out. At the end of the project, he reviews all the services and requires the companies to finalize the final details. You can then, assisted by your architect, take delivery of the work and move into your project with complete peace of mind. The architect then establishes the final general statement and the file of the works executed.